Wednesday 1 February 2017

From the Scrapbook: July, 1997

Young, Optimistic and strategically positioned to hide
the naked Madonna poster on my door...
A new segment for 2017 not too dissimilar to my irregular 'from the vaults' feature only focusing on my appearances in the press over my career. Our first one takes us back to Thursday the 3rd of July 1997 when I was featured in the Cambrian News the second largest newspaper in Wales.
An 18 year old me featured in their press pack segment announcing that I was to have a weekly comic strip in the paper the following week called, The Adventures of Vincent T Vulture (more on that in the 'from the vaults' post). 

© Arfon Jones 1997-2017. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.


  1. You look so different! I'd never have guessed that was you.



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