Tuesday 3 September 2013


I was suitably impressed with Youtube’s ‘Geek Week’ videos and why wouldn’t I?  Being notified by Kryten of Red Dwarf that there was a new episode of Knightmare with Hugo Myatt returning as Treguard along with Stuart Ashen(s) donning "The Helmet of Truth" this I had to see!
I adore Knightmare, its right up there amongst my top 10 favourite television shows. Watched its entire run as they went each year out and was sad to see it end. In fact I recall one of the first things I did when I had the Internet at home was sign a petition to bring it back! So with this renewed interest in the programme courtesy of above mentioned Youtube episode I thought I would dig out this painting that I did last year. I had intended to add more elements to it at a later date, along the lines of my Ghostwatch painting. But at the moment it features Treguard watching over a dungeoneer equipped with the helmet of truth, eye shield and knapsack as his life-force slips away…

© Arfon Jones 2013. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.


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