Sunday 13 July 2014

London Film & Comic Con 2014: Nuff Said!

Having always wanted to meet the legend that is Stan (the man) Lee I was all set to do so a few years back at a seemingly reputable CON, Sadly, poor organising on their part put an end to that plan and I missed out. It was a bitter experience and I thought it was my last chance to meet him. But bless the man, he decided to call on us again for what was promoted as his last ever-European signing appearance. As their web site explained, “After decades of meeting his fans, he has finally decided that long distance travel is to be left to the likes of Iron Man, who can do it far faster and look a little more awesome when doing so! And thanks to the world being safely left in the hands of our superheroes, he can hang up his cape on the European circuit.” So this true believer was granted one more throw of the dice and thanks to Mrs Jones and the tradition of giving at Christmas I travelled to Earls Court for the London Film & Comic Con to face front and meet Mr. Marvel himself! Excelsior!

© Arfon Jones 2014. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.


  1. Congrats! So cool that you got to meet him Arfon. Stan is a living legend for sure.

    1. Thank you sir, that he is! Pleased that I made the effort, it guarantees me at least one story to tell the grand kids! ;)

  2. Were the fans being charged to have photos taken with Stan, AJ, or were they free?

  3. Excellent! Stan Lee is one of the greats.

    1. He is indeed Mim, seeing people walking about (and there were a few!) with Marvel T-shirts, dressed as Spider-man carrying Thor hammers and Captain America shields made you realise how much of a contribution Stan has made to pop culture!

  4. Except for the fact that Captain America wasn't one of Stan's contributions to pop culture, as I'm sure you know. Your question mark in your response to my previous comment has confused me, AJ - could you clarify? Was there a charge for getting a photo taken with Stan?

    1. I did, and knew someone would call me on it! I mentioned Cap because of the way Stan guided him through popular culture, be it via the Avengers, the cartoon shows or the movies... the fact that people wanted their shields signed by Stan at the event verifies my comment. In answer to your question Kid, EVERYTHING Stan does is charged for noways! e-mail me

  5. I'd agree that Stan had an influence on Cap that helped secure his (Cap's) success in the Marvel age and had supposed that was what you meant, AJ. However, I felt that some anti-Stan bashers might view your comment as another example of Stan receiving credit for something at the expense of Jack, which is why I mentioned it.

    1. I understand that Kid, and I knew that my comment was a potential target for any Stan bashing. I think I only mentioned it because I saw a fair few Cap shields out and about that day. Neglected to mention the Iron Man helmets and Hulk figures I saw, in one instance I saw a Wolverine claw which doesn’t make any sense really unless you count the before mentioned cartoon shows and movies...
      I respect Stan for what he did he is, and always will be Mr Marvel. Drop me a line on the above address sir, I have something to tell you ;)



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