I told you I’d be back! So where have
I been? Well, the studio mostly, completing various projects but I
also (as the title and photo would suggest) met this gentleman, Mr.
Arnold Schwarzenegger….
But first (as is often the case with me) a
back story… Back in 2009 while checking my e-mails I was surprised
to read, “Arnold Schwarzenegger is now following you on Twitter”
I was aghast for all of 3 seconds! “THE Arnold Schwarzenegger?” I
asked. Had he (for some reason) singled me out and decided to follow
me on Twitter? Of course not, it was just a PR thing during his time
as Governor of California, most likely off the back of those
California Tourism TV ad campaigns shown in the UK that he starred in
asking, “when can you start?” But for those 3 short seconds I was
reminded of much I adored the guy and how there once was a time in my
life when he was the only ‘current’ Hollywood actor who’s work
I would go see on its initial release (an accolade perhaps only
shared with Jim Carrey). As memories of care free evenings watching
his movies with my brother and quoting his one liners with friends in
art college came back to me I thought how amazing it would be to meet
him someday, well that ‘someday' was to be the 21st of
September 2017 at the Hilton Metropole in Birmingham.
organisers An Experience With were bringing
Schwarzenegger to the UK for
a specialblack
celebrating the 30th
anniversary of one of my all time favourite movie aliens, Predator! I
remember catching it on TV one Saturday night expecting to be as
entertaining as Commando (that we had watched the night before) and
it was, but more so as this one had an alien in it, one with no
interest in invading the planet- this one simply wanted to hunt
humans for sport! I was hooked, I watched it and its equally great
sequel over and over, read the comics and would draw the Predator
throughout my teenage years so this event would not only present me
the opportunity to meet Mr. Schwarzenegger but also raise a glass to
one of my favourite aliens, this was too perfect to miss! Dressed up
in our finest (Mrs Jones especially!) we arrived at the Hilton for
what would be our second black tie event celebrating an alien! We
made our way into a ball room which was surrounded by Arnie related
replicas and props from such Terminator, T2, Conan the Barbarian and
of course, Predator some of which were to be auctioned off later that
evening. There was even a Predator on hand posing for photos, which I
did (taking my first selfie on my new phone).
We took our seats and
sipped our complimentary drinks while being entertained by top swing
vocalist Robby Darin and the State 51 Swing Orchestra and they were
superb, somehow managing a rare thing, playing all my favourite
songs. They continued to entertain while we started on our
“high-quality 3-course dinner” which starting (appropriately
enough) with a starter, comprising of Parma ham with grilled peach,
rocket leaves, parmesan flakes and black olive dressing followed by
the main course of braised feather blade of beef with spring onion,
crushed new potatoes, baton vegetables, broccoli and pan jus finished
off with dessert strawberry cheesecake with fruit coulis garnished
with seasonal fruits and crème chantilly and it was as delicious as
it sounds. After coffee, the prize draw and auction an on screen
run-through of Schwarzenegger’s incredible career and
accomplishments was played before a countdown commenced introducing
Arnie to the stage where he was met by a massive round of applause!
When he did, it was an amazing experience, seeing the man himself in
person! Just in case there were any doubts that it really was him he
walked up to the end of the stage and yelled, “Get to da choppa!”
which was met with an even louder cheers as he took his seat for an
hour-long chat with interviewer Charlie Webster. Clearly in awe of
him she asked about his amazing life, becoming
the youngest person to win the Mr Universe title,
winning it seven
times in total, his career in Hollywood
along with the
making of Predator. His
friendship with Danny DeVitto and hisone time rivalry with SylvesterStallone during the 1980s
they would try to out do one and other, such as who had the least
body fat, who was the most ripped, who had the biggest guns and
killed the most people on screen and of course who made the most at
the box office. It seemed
at one time hetried
to have more muscles
than Arnie to which he quipped “Well, I say, good luck!” He also
revealed Sly’s
artistic side, discussing his paintings not
to mention delivering
a hilarious Stallone impersonation! The
conversation then turned to politics and his
becoming the 38thGovernor of California and
his pride in it being one of
the largest economies in the world and
No 1 in the US for clean air
and water addressing
subject close to his heart the environment he
concerns of how worldwide, seven million people are dying every year
because of pollution. The
hour seemed to fly by and it was time to wrap up but not until he
was presented with a replica of the machete
used in Predator to
cut a giant 30th anniversary cake made by AB Cakes before
going through to another
room to meet and greet fansI followed on shortly after
to meet him myself for
a quick handshake
and photo, before going back
to my table to discuss how amazing he was with other table
guests whom he had also
inspired in some way over
the years. We
had an amazing time, many thanks to all involved especially Mr
Schwarzenegger himself.