Saturday 12 May 2018

Outing 'N Abouting: The Heath Robinson Museum

Last week I finally had the opportunity to visit the Heath Robinson Museum in Pinner. A museum dedicated to the work of one of my favourite artist/illustrators (you guessed it) Heath Robinson (1872–1944). When I first heard of plans to create this permanent exhibition of his work I was all for it! After all how many other artists can claim that their name is used to describe the appearance of something? After many years of hearing people describing something as “A bit Heath Robinson” I looked him up in the library and adored his work from then on. After following progress online about the proposed museum various events, donations from fans and residents, local businesses and the Heritage Lottery Fund helped make the museum a reality and it was opened by local author and children's writer Michael Rosen on 15 October 2016 and apparently it was the first London museum in over 40 years to be purpose-built in Greater London. I’ve mentioned the museum before, when they opened the museum a secret art sale was held offering 170 6”x 6” canvases for sale with all proceeds going towards the museum and I was artist number 58 donating a glow in the dark portrait of man himself. Sadly I wasn’t able to attend the opening ceremony so my visit last week was doubly special to me. So there you go, I’ve enclosed a small sample of photos please be sure to call in on them and see it for yourselves and show your support!

‘The one-piece chromium steel dining room suite’ (1936)  
‘Communal piano practice’ (1943)   
‘Consequences –How the thoughtfulness of a butterfly 
seriously affected the Bishop’s corn’ (1924)   

© Arfon Jones 2018. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.


  1. I get very annoyed at how Heath Robinson gets overlooked in popular culture nowadays - swamped by Rube Goldberg!

    1. Yes indeed, you never hear anyone say "its a bit Rube Goldberg..." But I do like his work and sadly missed out on his exhibit in Birmingham a few years back. Rowland Emett is another :)



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