Sunday 14 October 2012

S4C Television Interview 'Y Lle' 15/11/2012

Not long after my interview with the Ladies of Steampunk Magazine I was also interviewed for television! Purveyors of excellent television Ryan Kift and Sian Davies came round to record a segment with me at my studio for S4C’s ‘Y Lle’ programme. The interview will feature some examples of my work as I witter on about my projects. To see the segment tune in to Y Lle on Thursday 15th of November at 10:00pm on channel S4C/SKY 134 (outside Wales).
November 2012 UPDATE: The item on myself and the studio which was written and produced by Ryan Kift and Sian Davies can now be found on Y Lle's Youtube channel. Non Welsh speakers take note…it’s in Welsh, So I transcribed it for you, because I'm like that...

Introdcution “Arfon Jones, Artist, Illustrator -Uber Geek explains to us mere mortals what SteamPunk is. What ho!”
Arfon:”Its a “what if” What if the Victorians had been more advanced? What if they had mobile phones, computers or the internet? This has inspired people to come together and create unique things because of it. It refers to the “cyber punk” term coined in the 1980's and “punk”, well that relates to people doing what they want to do and not following the norm. Steam just relates to the steam- Victorian era.” “This is 'Mus Digitatus' the Finger Mouse and is based on the Victorian aesthetic of taxidermy and also the old Victorian Sideshows would show off mummified hands.” “ 'Womblus Wimbledon Vulgaris’ is a little something I recently picked up on Wimbledon Common. Complete with his pocket watch, bottle of Cribbins Cough Syrup and a few bits of rubbish he had found out in the wild.” “Well, this is the ‘The Cellular Condenser Ray’ and the idea is that you point it at the dinosaur... as it charges and it shrinks it down to a size you can cage it.... then you can take it home with you. But once you've caught them you can also freeze them in their tracks using the 'The Glaciation Ray’ and then keep them chilled in the 'The Patented Cryo-preservation Curiosity Cabinet’
Sexy Female Voice over:Tell us about the eight incher Arfon!”
Arfon:This is my 8inch refractor telescope and this is what I use to observe the moon and planets. Specificity Jupiter.”
Ryan Kift Voice Over:Here is Orion the cat.”
Arfon:I named her after my favourite constellation.”
Ryan Kift Voice Over: “ah! Of course.”
Arfon:” Ten years ago I had an idea of getting one hundred bath ducks and placing them in the sea with my contact details on them... in the hope that whoever found them would get back to me and let me know that they had found it. That's what I was going to do, but as I was preping them I was told by one company (ferrying company) that I wasn't allowed because they said I was dumping plastic in the sea and another actually thought I wanted to use live ducks....
Ryan Kift Voice Over:Quack -Quack!”
Arfon:”Each person that has found a duck has had their own story to tell. Sometimes you might get a photo taken of the duck in their front room, other times a glimpse into their lives or the duck has been made a part of their lives.”
Arfon:Many people collect models of Minis that show off the development the car has had over the years... personally I felt that the Dalek was just as much an (iconic) style from the 1960's. Starting here, the 60's the first one (Doctor) and then the second. Then we have these from the Peter Cushing movies. Then here in the 1970's. Jon Petwee. Tom Baker... Then onwards to the 1980's. Then starting with the new series...”
Ryan Kift Voice Over:Uber Geek!
Arfon: ”... varying styles and colours. We also have Davros and the Emperor (I mean supreme- I was nervous!) from the new series.” “Well, I am proud to say that when I was online looking for a Cyberman there were only six pages on eBay devoted to them so it was fairly easy to find,. But now there are millions of pages because everyone wants a Cyberman... But I had to have this one in particular because it was my favourite growing up, I prefer these to the Daleks.” “This is my painting called 'Time Gentlemen' I started it nine years ago to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Doctor Who. It originally finished here at Paul McGann, but they announced that the series was coming back the week I finished painting it, so, I added an extra section and left plenty of room for future incarnations... its been signed by Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann....”
Ryan Kift Voice Over:Now its time for a cuppa and a cigarette and enjoy the gallery!”
Arfon:” Well there we go that was the studio, I hope you enjoyed it. Until next time, good bye!”

© Arfon Jones 2012. All images are copyrighted throughout the world.

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